Gordonians Cricket Club News pages

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13 Jul 2024
GCC bids farewell to Sivaram and Pranav Gollakota

At a very dreich Countesswells on Saturday, GCC bid farewell to Sivaram and Pranav Gollakota who are returning to Houston after a very successful 4 year spell at the club.  During their time at GCC, Siva and Pranav have been absolute stalwarts of the... [ Read more ]

10 Jul 2024
Action: Online Payments for GCC Subs and Match Fees

Dear All, I am very pleased to advise you that the online payment system has now gone live for our club. This means that you are able to verify and to pay your annual club subs and match fees online from the website or by using the Hittsports App on ... [ Read more ]

17 May 2024

GCC celebrated 100 years of cricket with a Centenary Dinner at the Palm Court with more than 70 attending, including more than 40 former players. A selection of photographs of the centenary weekend can be found by clicking on the following links: GC... [ Read more ]

17 Jan 2024
Gordonians CC Annual Dinner - Sunday 28th January

  Good Evening Everyone, This is a follow-up email to remind everyone about the Gordonians CC Annual Awards Dinner on Sunday 28th January at Wild Ginger Restaurant, starting from 6:30 PM. Thanks to everyone that has promptly responded and already pa... [ Read more ]

17 Jan 2024
Gordonians CC Annual Dinner - Sunday 28th January

  Good Evening Everyone, This is a follow-up email to remind everyone about the Gordonians CC Annual Awards Dinner on Sunday 28th January at Wild Ginger Restaurant, starting from 6:30 PM. Thanks to everyone that has promptly responded and already pa... [ Read more ]

01 Feb 2023

Time to dust off the cobwebs and get those muscles moving. Senior indoor nets start this coming Saturday under the grandstand at Countesswells from 1pm to 3pm. A small contribution to help cover the hire costs would be appreciated. This is open to po... [ Read more ]

17 Jan 2023

A well attended and upbeat Gordonians AGM saw all 4 experienced Saturday captains from 2022 retained for the 2023 season. Mayank Bhandari (1sts), Indy Pandit (2nds), Simon Hounsome (3rds) and Viji Nair (4ths), all highlighted the need to manage the e... [ Read more ]

24 Apr 2021
Cricket is back for 2021!

The guidance from Cricket Scotland has been updated and the 2021 league season will start on 22nd May. Gorodnians will have an intra club match on Saturday 1st May starting at Noon, and hopefully also a match on the artificial starting at the same ti... [ Read more ]

09 Apr 2019
Outdoor Training Starts Tuesday & Thursday 6-8 pm

Outdoor training starts on Tuesday & Thursday 6-8pm. [ Read more ]

02 Mar 2019
Registrations for All Stars 2019 are now open!

It's back!! All Stars is the first step to years of cricketing fun. We provide 8, 1-hour sessions from qualified Activators, using exciting games to cover the very basics of the game. No boring drills, tactics or techniques, only fun in the sun (weat... [ Read more ]