The guidance from Cricket Scotland has been updated and the 2021 league season will start on 22nd May. Gorodnians will have an intra club match on Saturday 1st May starting at Noon, and hopefully also a match on the artificial starting at the same time. Hopefully we will have spaces for everyone. Please
get in touch if you are available (Social distancing, hand sanitising and the only indoor access is for toilets. Bring your own food and drink. No car sharing. No spectating).
We now have one net available for senior access on a Tuesday and 2 nets available on Thursday. All access has to be pre booked. Please text or email if you want to net on either/both evenings. No guarantee
that we can fit everyone in due to the numerical restrictions, but we will try.
First team fixtures are now on our website. The fixtures for the 2nds and 3rds should be available next week.
The square is looking good so hopefully it will be hard and fast! PLAY!